The intent of the Wellness Committee is to report to the Executive Board and the membership on the status of the LTD programme and how well it is working. As well as reporting the numbers of members on LTD, the Committee Chair is also responsible for reporting the number of members on Short Term Disability with the possibility of going on LTD. The Chair will liaise with the Human Resources Department to insure relevant forms are sent in a timely manner, to ascertain if individuals are refused LTD and the reasons for these decisions. If the reasons are one of procedure, this Committee identifies what needs to change to facilitate the process. It may be necessary for the Chair or the President to attend meetings with the benefits carrier. The Committee also oversees or develops resolutions for the betterment of the LTD programme and submits to the Annual General Meeting. This may expedite the development of such resolutions by way of an overview through the Wellness committee.
Chair - Tina Dhami Members: Becky Olson, Crystal Johnston Members at large: Tom O'Brien