Area Rep – Mark Harris

Alternate – Natasha Chen

Greetings from Victoria!

Strategic Project Solutions continue to meet with field staff, AVS, and IT to gather AS IS core business processes (Obtain property & market data, Create property assessment, Share assessment information, Roll Review) for the next generation ValueBC project.


Customer Services (Service Delivery Team) Information Services formally known as Customer Services is sorting itself out now after the re-org.  We welcome Darlene Smith to our unit and look forward to what’s next.  Cori Binley will be off soon on Mat leave as she will be welcoming a new baby in July.  We also welcome Jake Kislock back as our summer research assistant.  Projects and operations are trucking along and we are all anxiously awaiting the new managers.  (GIS) continues to work on upgrading of the ESRI ArcGIS software, reviewing RFP for street front photography, building relationships for cost sharing of imagery, maintaining the assessment fabric, and automating processes to refresh data from external data providers.


Database Services has completed the production database move to Kelowna, is investigating database disaster recovery requirements, and has completed a clean up of attributes that should improve database integrity and performance.


Infrastructure Services are working on revised roll related activities.

Application Development team have been working on PARP and evalueBC enhancements, data advice and the data advice back office.

Harry Mercer, VP of B&CS, gave a presentation to B&CS that outlines our future direction included a completed organizational structure of for all people in B&CS.  Many changes were introduced that included:  division, department, and job title name changes, grid level decreases, and temporary market adjustment decreases/losses.


Billy Tapp, Lead Business Analyst, accepted an acting position as Manager of Information Services.


Under the reorganized structure, Business and Customer Services has been renamed Information and Technology Services.  This division will be split to focus on core business processes on one side and on projects and enterprise solutions on the other.  There will definitely be a transition period as many of us get used to being shuffled around under different managers with a different focus and mandate.  Some teams have been divided up and three of us have lost our supervisory roles.


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