by admin | Sep 3, 2015 | Job Evaluation and Reclassification
Chair – MaryAnn MacKinnon Members – Jared Melvin, Harpinder Sandhu, Tom O’Brien The next face to face for evaluating jobs will be held August 18th 2015. The jobs being reviewed are: Appraiser II Senior Information Analyst Information Analyst There will also be a short...
by admin | May 4, 2015 | Job Evaluation and Reclassification
Chair – Don Currie Member – MaryAnn Mackinnon, Jared Melvin, Harp Sandhu, Tom O’Brien The committee has an exciting report to provide to our members. Right now we are working with the employer to create a video on Job Evaluation and how this works. This is especially...
by admin | Jul 10, 2014 | Job Evaluation and Reclassification
Author - Harp Sandhu The June 4th, 2014 meeting occurred at the Vancouver Sea to Sky office. The positions under review are as follows: - Senior Information Analyst (updated JD and former job title Senior Research Officer) - Information Analyst (updated...