Chair – Trent Snikker
Members – David Robertson, Keith Hampe
Planning for the 2013 Pre-AGM education day is gearing up. This the Education Committee and the Union local have decided to take a different approach to the education day. In previous years course contact has come directly out of the box from CUPE BC and was delivered by CUPE BC reps... While this was useful education, much of the course content proved to be too generic and not directly applicable to us at BC Assessment.
This year the courses will be created and delivered by members of your union local’s executive. Myself and Jared Melvin will be delivering a course outlining the roles of the Union Executive, the committee work, responsibilities of area reps and alternates. We will also be looking at the grievance process and other aspects of being a union representative.
Kevin McPhail and David Robertson will be facilitating course on the bargaining process. This will include topics related to contractual resolutions, the work of the bargaining committee, how strike actions unfold, and other topics related to bargaining.
We look forward to this event and hope that our membership will benefit from a customized learning experience.