Chair – Trent Snikkers
Members – David Robertson, Keith Hampe
This week final preparations were made on the Pre AGM Education Day. The first part of the Education day will focus on the Unite for Fairness campaign and communicator training. This focus of this training is simple: Equip members with the right tools to have conversations about their union with other members and to listen to their concerns.
The second part of the day will be filled with a series on CUPE’s history, the Role of the Area Representative, a variety of activities and a guest speaker or two. The expression of interest to attend this fully paid day of training is a tick box on the AGM delegate form.
As of now there are a few applications being received for the annual bursaries and by the time you read this the application process will be closed. Again, the Bursary committee will diligently review all applications and award the funds to the most suitable candidates. Stay tuned for the results.