Chair – Trent Snikkers
Members – David Robertson, Donna Murray

The pre AGM education day was again a success with a full crowd and tons of participation.
Guest speakers David Highfield, Ed Norman, and, Mick Currie were a surprise to many in the room and were well received by all. While the content of each of the three differed somewhat, one of the messages that was consistent was to get more involved in your Union. As two of the three speakers were at one point Union Presidents and later moved onto the executive of the company, shows that active participation in your union does not preclude you from working your way up in the company.

We also focused on some Grievance scenarios, the Candian Labour Congress’s Unite for
Fairness Campaign, and useful tips for Area Reps and members at large.

Although it will be hard to top this special 40th anniversary edition of the AGM and Pre AGM Ed day, we hope to offer something captivating for September 2015.

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