Chair – Doug Brock
Recent events at our local have pointed out the need for greater education about our own Collective Agreement and Constitution (and of an understanding of labour relations in general) for Area Representatives and Alternates. I have, in the past, referred to such a need. To reiterate, an educated membership is best equipped to deal with the issues confronting it in an expedient and efficient manner.
Course syllabus are now available on the website on a timely basis and regions will be advised as to what courses are available and where in their areas. I have been in contact with the Union Development Representative of CUPE and have arranged to have electronic transfer of upcoming course outlines. I intend to forward these to the respective Area Reps to be posted on your local bulletin boards. As a provincial entity, CUPE 1767 needs to be front and centre as a sponsor. There is no longer time to idly stand by. There will be more to come in the months ahead. Currently, the Fraser Valley Council of CUPE is planning a Steward’s convention in the spring. It is the intention of this Chair to advance the topic of union education at this forum.
Stay posted.