Bradley Lane, Chair
Stan Brost, Member
Mike Meyer, Member

In a joint email release dated February 28, 2005, it was announced that this year's gainshare percentage will be 2.00%.  For those interested in working through the formula themselves, the inputs for this year's calculation are as follows:

NCV2004          10,930,064,092
NCV2005          13,099,636,920
NCV2006          12,431,559,168

SV2004             427,281,283,708
SV2005             505,376,566,992
SV2006             576,260,838,193

Folio2003          1,680,556

Folio2004          1,700,545
Folio2005          1,731,600
Folio2006          1,756,001

FTE2002           578.85
FTE2003           593.98
FTE2004           591.44
FTE2005           542.34

The formula itself is contained in MOU # 1 of our collective agreement.

Committee members and our Business Agent have received a number of calls expressing disappointment with this year's payment.  For the record, we agree that a 2.00% gainshare does very little to compensate our members for all of the effort expended over the past year.  Frankly, it is insulting and the employer knows it.

There is no doubt that we have suffered as a result of the employer's inability to provide us with the tools needed to do our jobs properly.  Furthermore, this was the first year that the 2001 Core Review downsizing had no effect on the formula.  Fortunately, the impact of the number of temps hired this past year was largely mitigated by the outcome of the 2003 gainshare grievance that resulted in temporary FTEs being factored downward and saw a significant number of valueBC-related FTEs being eliminated from the count altogether.  Were it not for this last point, this year's gainshare would have been significantly less than 1.00%.

If anyone has any questions regarding the calculation of this year's gainshare percentage, please feel free to direct them to the Committee members.  Similarly, if anyone has any suggestions for improvements to the existing formula for future years, please pass them along.

Finally, all of the Regional Directors have been provided with a list of items included in “wages” for the purpose of calculating your actual gainshare amount.  If you have any questions regarding this part of the calculation, please speak with your Area Rep who can get you this information.

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