Chair – Tom O’Brien
Members – Jared Melvin, Donna Murray
Your Long Term Disability Committee has been working hard with a number of our members. We have been focused particularly on issues around returning to work and payment for doctor’s notes. We are currently working with the employer on examples and precedence of paying for doctor’s notes, but our language is fairly clear in the Collective Agreement 23.01(e):
“With the exception of the written medical statements referenced above, where the Employer requires an additional medical assessment from the employee's physician, which may include a further assessment of the employee's employment limitations or capabilities, the employee will be reimbursed for 50% of the cost of the medical assessment, up to the current limits of the BC Medical Association fee guide, upon production of receipts.”
We are currently working with the employer on how we can better communicate and support our members when they need to get doctor’s notes, and what is required in them for short term sick leave.
One thing is very clear and every member should be well aware of this. If you are taking paid sick leave, you must make sure your doctor fills out the employer’s form with specifics of what you can and can’t do in the workplace. Particularly upon a gradual return to work. Words like “stress” or being “symptomatic” will not be specific enough for the employer. As mentioned in the President’s Report, the employer is legally entitled to the specific restrictions and accommodations you require in the workplace.
Please remember that your union is there to support you and will do what we can to help you get information you need when you are going on sick leave, coming back from sick leave, or if you are considering a gradual return to work and how to make that process go as smooth as possible.
In solidarity,