Chair – Tom O’Brien

This is the time of year when everyone is making resolutions to better themselves in some way or another. For most these resolutions are focussed on their health, either through an exercise routine or managing their diet in some way. But human nature prevails! By the time this report hits the desks of many people they will probably have just stopped going to the gym, or running everyday… or whatever it was you said you’d do. This is a reminder that we all should stay mentally and physically healthy and try to get some exercise and fresh air everyday. Some of us are not so lucky to have good health at this time and our thoughts are always with them as they heal.

A reminder to all that BC Assessment employees going on disability are insured by BC Life, a subsidiary of Pacific Blue Cross. Sun Life insurance only covers those that went on LTD before the switch. Also, those people on LTD that were insured by Sun Life will remain with them.

At this time there are 22 people on Long Term Disability at BCA. This is a drop by 3 members. Two have returned from LTD and one has retired.

Under 2 years:   7
Over 2 years:  15
Total:  22

In solidarity,

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