Chair – MaryAnn MacKinnon

Member – Harpinder Sandhu


Oct 17 was the official day of Shake Out BC day. Millions of people worldwide (Including BC Assessment) participated in how to drop cover and hold on at 10:17 am during ‘great shakeout earthquake drills’. The main goal is to get British Columbians prepared in the event of a major earthquake. Participating in the Shake Out BC drill is an opportunity to learn what to do before, during, and after an earthquake.


Flu season is among us once again. You can play an active role in staying healthy and preventing the spread of the seasonal flu.


  • Get your flu shot

  • Wash your hands frequently

  • Cough and sneeze in your arm Not  in your hands

  • Keep your hands away from your face

  • Keep common surfaces clean and disinfected


The most important advice is if you are sick.......stay home!!!
BC Assessment will reimburse up to ($25.00) with a receipt if employees get a flu shot from a local clinic, pharmacy, or doctor. Most office have, or will have the opportunity to receive a flu shot in their office. There has been some sissies securing dates with our provider but should be available to all soon if this has not already happened.

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