Denial of Telework – Surrey

An employee was denied the opportunity to telework when many of their colleagues have been given the same opportunity. The employee is an excellent employee with a great record of employment.

We feel this is a without merit denial and request the employee be allowed to telework as soon as possible.

Status: This grievance has been heard at step 1 and was later resolved at step 1. On a without prejudice basis the employer has promised to address the issue after PARP as it was felt that would be a better time to let the employee start teleworking.

Policy Grievance – Acting Period Capital

We claim they have violated the Collective Agreement and past practice by attempting to institute a new policy to avoid the requirement for Union agreement for acting positions greater than three months in duration.

We request that the employer rescind this new policy and follow the existing language of the Collective Agreement.

Status: The grievance was held in abeyance pending further joint discussion. At the conclusion of bargaining with new language we negotiated we consider this grievance resolved.

Policy Grievance – Acting Period Prince George

We claim they have violated the Collective Agreement and past practice by attempting to institute a new policy to avoid the requirement for Union agreement for acting positions greater than three months in duration.

We request that the employer rescind this new policy and follow the existing language of the Collective Agreement.

Status: The grievance was held in abeyance pending further joint discussion. At the conclusion of bargaining with new language we negotiated we consider this grievance resolved.

Policy Grievance – Acting Period Nanaimo

We claim they have violated the Collective Agreement and past practice by attempting to institute a new policy to avoid the requirement for Union agreement for acting positions greater than three months in duration.

We request that the employer rescind this new policy and follow the existing language of the Collective Agreement.

Status: The grievance was held in abeyance pending further joint discussion. At the conclusion of bargaining with new language we negotiated we consider this grievance resolved.


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