Denial of Overtime


We claim the Employer has violated the Collective Agreement by ordering  a member to work on their regularly scheduled day of rest as well as directing him to change his work schedule and work overtime against his wishes.


We request the Employer compensate the grievor at appropriate overtime rates for the scheduled day of rest.


Status; this grievance was heard and denied at step 3 on May 14th. Withdrawn on a without prejudice basis.


Policy Grievance – Half Day Illness- Flex


This grievance was filed in an attempt to deal with inconsistent practice throughout the company of the requirement to make up time for half day sick leave. It is the Unions position that a half day sick should result in having to make up half of the 45 minutes required for maintaining flex time. It is the employer’s position that the full 45 minutes must me accounted for.


Status: This grievance has been heard at step 3 and elevated to arbitration.

Withdrawn from Arbitration on a without prejudice basis due to the new flex work language in the Collective Agreement.



Grievance – Denial of Hours of work change- Okanagan


We claim the Employer has violated the Collective Agreement by denying the grievor’s request for a change in working hours.


We request the Employer allow the grievor’s request for a change in working hours.


Status: At the end of June/ early July the member received the hours they had requested. We consider this grievance closed.


Policy Grievance-Expense Claim Rounding


The Union filed a grievance with the intention of resolving a “rounding” issue with expense claims. A claim for 30 km at $.50 per km would come back at $14.99.


Status: Resolved as the employer will do an adjustment annually to correct accumulated shortages and remains committed to seeking a software correction from the vendor


Grievance - Removal of TMA


We claim the Employer has violated the Collective Agreement by removing the TMA from accrued vacation and retirement allowance. Once a member retires their TMA is taken away from accrued vacation and from their retirement allowance.


The employer claims that add-to-pays are always removed from retirement allowances when an employee retires and they are keeping consistent with past practice.


Therefore, we request the Employer change this practice and reinstate the TMA to accrued vacation as well as retirement allowance.


Status: The employer agreed to pay 50% of the TMA as ongoing payments when an employee proceeds on "Paid Absence Prior to Retirement" or has any retirement allowances or leaves paid out. This agreement will apply up to and including December 31, 2013. The union has withdrawn its grievance.

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