Resolved Grievances

Chief Grievance Officer: Kevin McPhail
Chair: Jared Melvin
Members: Don Currie, Keith Hampe, Harpinder Sandhu

Letter of Expectation - Capital

We claim the employer acted in an unfair and arbitrary manner by giving a letter of expectation to a member.

Status: This grievance was resolved at step 1 by revising the letter to the member to the mutual agreement of the Union and the Employer.

Letters of Expectation – Prince George

We claim that the employer acted in an unfair and arbitrary manner by giving letters of expectation to individuals without being able to provide examples of the behaviours they were accused of.

We request that the Employer rescind the letters of expectation.

Status: This grievance was resolved at step 3 to the mutual agreement of the Union and the Employer. The employer changed the wording in the letters of expectation to a generic letter of expectations.

Probation Period (Kelowna)

We claim the Employer has violated the Collective Agreement by not taking into account time worked as an Appraiser Trainee when it calculated a member’s time for remaining probation.

We request the employer account for the members time spent while in the position of appraiser trainee while calculating the time remaining on probation.

Status: This grievance is resolved to the mutual agreement as the employer proposed a resolution that met the union’s satisfaction.

Wrongful Dismissal (South Fraser)

We claim the Employer has violated the Collective Agreement by dismissing a member on a graduated return to work. We claim the employer denied our member the rights and privileges afforded them in the Collective Agreement.

We request the employer reinstate the member to their former position with all wages and benefits that would have accrued from the date of termination.

Status: This grievance is resolved to the mutual agreement of the grievor and the Employer.

Wrongful Dismissal (Vancouver)

We claim the employer has violated the Collective Agreement by terminating an employee. By using this as a form of excessive discipline, the employer denied the rights and privileges afforded the employee in the Collective Agreement.

We request the Employer reinstate the employee to their former position with all wages and benefits that would have accrued from the date of termination.

Status: This grievance is resolved to the mutual agreement of the grievor and the Employer.

Excessive Punishment (Capital)

We claim the employer has violated the Collective Agreement by suspending a member without pay for one week despite their discipline-free employment record. We claim the employer denied our member the rights and privileges afforded them in the Collective Agreement.

We request the employer reinstate the five days with all wages and benefits that would have been accrued during that time and remove discipline from their personal file.

Status: This grievance is resolved to the mutual agreement of the Grievor and the Employer. The Employer agreed to reduce the five day suspension and remove the suspension from our Members file after two years.

Medical Accommodation (Kelowna)

We claim the Employer has violated the Collective Agreement by excessively scrutinizing the work of a member, requesting them accept pay below their current salary and not accommodating them in the workplace.

We request a medical accommodation from the employer in the workplace with no loss of pay or benefits.

Status: This grievance is resolved to the mutual agreement of the Grievor and the Employer. The Employer agreed the employee should still be on LTD and agreed to the LTD payment at their old rate of pay.

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