Chair – Don Currie
Member – Mandeep Mahanger, Tom O’Brien

Business Innovation has been rolling out the 3D buildings pilot for strata property reassessment in Vancouver’s downtown. This is using Esri Canada’s Assessment Analyst 3D software. This pilot is limited in scope, covering some areas within the West End and False Creek.

The public website eValueBC is on it’s way to having a new look and feel with the Online Property Information Evolution project (OPIE). This project is going to have multiple phases going out over a few years, with the first of the changes due for January 2015. One goal of this project is to get a street front photo for every property. Another is to integrate mapping into the site.

The Service Boundary Web Map is going to be released this summer. The web application enables the Regional Districts to review the minor taxing codes we have for their bylaws, or services. It will also allow them to review proposed boundaries for total taxable value within it, with a click of a button.

Desktop Review capture for Richmond, Delta and Port Coquitlam has completed and sketch overlays are be currently being generated. Start time for DTR in those areas in mid-July.


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