Chair – Don Currie
Members – Mandeep Mahanger, Tom O’Brien

Next Gen ValueBC
After testing three different vendors proposals a vendor has been selected. The successful vendor was Vision Government Solutions, a company out of Massachusetts which has extensive experience developing assessment systems for hundreds of cities and counties in the US. Another company, CGI out of Victoria will be assisting Vision with the project.
The next step of the project will be a six month analysis of the gaps that exist between the vendors proposal and BCA's needs. If it is determined that these gaps cannot be bridged, the project and vendor will be re-evaluated. If the gaps are able to be bridged, the project will move forward as planned

ALR analysis tools
New tools are now available through mapping to analyze ALR coding. The tools allow us to compare the ALR mapping with our value BC coding to analyze whether we are correctly reflecting ALR exemptions.

Desktop refresh
It is almost that time again, time to refresh our desktop computers. You may have recently completed the survey asking you how you use your tablet computer, particularly the wireless connectivity function. Look for more information soon as we move towards selecting the appropriate desk top hardware across the company.

Improvements and training tools for WebEx are here. For those of you who have been waiting for training before delving into Web EX, training tools are now available on the InSite. In addition, an add-on to WebEx is coming soon to improve video functionality. This may be the opportunity for those who have not yet tried WebEx to give it a shot.

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