We claim BC Assessment has incorrectly denied members mileage and travel expenses. We believe that at the time the policy was written, it was not envisioned that it would be dealing with a closed office scenario. Appraisers A & B are to travel to Salmon Arm for Parp hearings. Appraiser A (lives in Kelowna)leaves Kelowna to travel to Parp in Salmon Arm, driving through Vernon, arrives in Salmon Arm, stays overnight in hotel, claims meals and mileage. Appraiser B (lives in Vernon) leaves Kelowna, Parp materials and all, stays at home overnight in Vernon(saving hotel costs & expenses), and is denied the mileage portion from Kelowna to Vernon as well as the time to drive.
Status: It is the opinion of the employer that there has been no violation of the collective agreement and the grievance has been elevated to arbitration.