Latest Reports
- CUPE Clear Language Guide for Collective Agreements
- CUPE Communications Resources
- CUPE Financial Officer's Handbook
- CUPE Publications
- CUPE Self Serve Workshops
- CUPE Steward Handbook
- CUPE Stop Harassment Guide
- Video: "The Steward's Basics" Series (5 videos, 5-20 mins each)
- Video: Duty of Fair Representation (3 mins)
- Video: Duty to Accommodate (5.5 mins)
- Video: Employee Discipline Case Law (4.5 mins)
- Video: Grievance Handling (26.5 mins)
- Video: Speaking So People Want to Listen (10 mins)
- WorkSafe BC Joint OH&S Commitee Fundamentals Online Training
- WorkSafe BC Worker Safety Rep FAQ
- WorkSafeBC Handbook for Joint OH&S Committees