The minutes of the November 1st and 2nd meeting was moved for acceptance.

The spring audit was completed by trustees Paul Mrazek and Cathy Colborne. Based on their review of expenses they feel that the use of carpooling could be utilized better in a couple regions. We all need to travel using the most economical means possible when on union business. Other then the audit it has been business as usual in the office.

The budget is trending similar to the last report in March.

I recently accepted a 4 week Deputy Assessor acting roll which will begin on May 4th. Considerable thought went into my decision including the timing of the acting. The duration falls at a time in which there is minimal effect to the Union and as it is for a short duration my position of Sec/Tres will be left vacant with both Kevin and Jared covering the duties. I will ensure that my planned work will be done in advance with minimal work needing to be done while the position is vacant.

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