The minutes of the January 19th and 20th meeting was moved for acceptance.
Revenue and expenses report from September 1, 2012 to February 28th, 2013.
The budget for September 1/2012 to February 28/2013 has been presented to the executive board. We are at the halfway point of our budget period and have received 46% of budgeted member’s dues. With late receipts from BCA it is expected we should exceed the budgeted amount by the end of our fiscal year. Initiation fees are down significantly and with the more restrictive hiring practices we don’t expect to reach our budgeted figures.
On the expense side, we have exceeded our Education budget for the year by 28%. However, in recent years the current executive has given the direction to be more active in educating our members as well as the executive board. Executive Committees did not meet as regularly last fall due to ongoing negotiations and as such we have only exhausted 26% of the budget. Legal/Grievance is down considerably as we have had fewer grievances then in past years. The remaining line items are all trending as expected.
The recently revamped Strike Fund Account has funds of just over $275,000.
The trustees will be at the office for their semi-annual audit of the books on March 18th.
The scanning project is underway in the office. Abigail (our office assistant) has been working to prepare the files in order to allow for effective filing once converted to electronic documents. However, the scanner software is currently not functioning as intended and repeated attempts to fix it have not been successful. A second technician finally fixed the problem just prior to the March executive meeting.
In the meantime paper copies of Executive Board meeting minutes have been scanned using a more basic scanning program. This requires a bit more work but was sufficient for the simpler items. All AGM books have been scanned and completed as well as all historical motions.
We are still having issues getting staffing reports from BCA in a timely manner. Section 6.02 of the Collective Agreement states that these reports shall be forwarded within ten working days of the 2nd deduction for each four-week period. This has not been the case.
T4’s and the T4 summary have been filed with Revenue Canada, much was learned over the last year and as such this year has and should go smoother for all those involved. This is a reminder that even if you don’t get a T4 from the union (not required for amounts under $500/year) any honoraria is considered taxable and you should be reporting it as income.
We are up to date on our WorkSafe BC payments and both National and CUPE BC are paid as of January 2013.
I move to destroy the ratification votes.
Moved by: Dave R
Seconded by: Don C
Adjourned 3:45pm Saturday
Call to Order 9:00am Sunday
- Motion to destroy the ratification votes from December.
Moved by Dave R
2nd by Don C