Technological Change

The mandate of the Technological Change Committee is to liaise with the employer on technological matters, to investigate the impact of these matters on the membership and to report back to the Executive Board with information and recommendations. Chair - Mark Hilker,...

Technological Change-june 2013

Chair – Don Currie Member – Mandeep Mahanger, Tom O’Brien   There has been a lot of tech change in the last month!  valueBC was turned on in the new data center - and many people probably didn't notice a big difference.  In fact the same environment is now hosted...

Business Innovation-March 2013

Well I must say our new VP of Business Innovation Hart Mauritz has a lot on his plate being described by some as the White Knight who would come in with his innovated ideas and solve all our problems. We all know that’s just impossible for one person, in fact it...

Technological Change-March 2013

Chair – Don Currie Member – Mandeep Mahanger, Tom O’Brien Next Generation valueBC (NGVBC) Program The focus of the 2013 project is to review the current business state, document the future business state (the "to be" business model), and...

Technological Change-January 2013

Chair – Don Currie Member – Mandeep Mahanger, Tom O’Brien ERP Full scale ERP has now come to the masses. The field staff are now doing all time entry on ERP as Head Office staff have been doing with for quite some time. While we are thankful there is only one program...