Telework-June 2013

Chair – MaryAnn Mackinnon Member – Jim Flood, Tom O’Brien   The Telework committee has been working diligently to get all the wrinkles ironed out before the application process goes out for those waiting to apply. The guidelines and policies are being reviewed by...

Telework-March 2013

Chair – MaryAnn Mackinnon Member – Jim Flood, Tom O’Brien The Telework agreement was discussed and reviewed with the group.  As a group it was decide that the policy document should be finished before certain items in the guidelines document can...

Telework – August 2012

Chair – Ron Arnett Member – Jim Flood The telework pilot has for all intents and purposes been completed with some teleworkers continuing to telework until the final verdict is in. We are in the process of compiling a report detailing the project and any relevant...